A heroic warrior on a distant planet fights an evil lord of darkness for control of the known Universe. Tune in as Chris talks Conan the Barbarian, Mattel, and missed opportunities. Plus, stick around for @DisinformationDan join us in the Sidecar as the LSCE Screens the 1987 cult classic “Masters of the Universe.”
Check out Dan and his great work at https://www.disinformed.ca/
Works Cited:
Camb. “Film Reviews: Masters of the Universe.” Variety. Aug 12, 1987. Article Link. Accessed 8/22/22.
Goodman, Walter. “Film: He-Man Seeks Key.” The New York Times. Aug 8, 1987. Article Link. Accessed 8/22/22.
Hartley, Mark. Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films! 2014. Warner Bros. Pictures, 2014. 106 Mins.
Loeb, Randall & Robert McCallum. Power of Grayskull: The Definitive History of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. Hight Octane Pictuees, 2016. 95 Mins.
MacCambridge, Michael. “Cannon Suffers More Losses In Quarter as Net Woth Sinks; ‘Superman IV,’ ‘Masters’ Falter. Variety, Vol 328, Iss. 6. Sep 2, 1987. Article Link. Accessed 8/7/22.
Medalia, Hilla. The Go-Go Boys: The Inside Story of Cannon Films. 2014. MVD Visual, 2021. Blu Ray.
Netflix: The Toys That Made Us: He-Man. 2017. Access Here. Accessed 8/22/22
Trunick, Austin. Cannon Film Guide Volume 2: 1985-1987. Orlando, FL: Bear Manor Media, 2022.